More Than Meets The Eye - New Feats

More Than Meets The Eye - New Feats, RPG, Podręczniki, Munchkin

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More Than Meets the Eye,...
ired of plain old human characters in your cam-
paign, but don’t want to add other races? Then
take a look at these feats designed to diversify
your characters without unbalancing them,...too
You have been gifted with a high intelligence level.
You gain a +2 natural bonus to your Intel-
ligence score.
You can only take this feat as a 1
How This Works
These feats are designed to be taken by char-
acters at character creation, replacing that ‘free’
feat all character of D20 Modern receive for being
human. If you choose to allow these feats in your
campaign, restrict your players to only
of them,
and only at 1
-level. Please note however, that
these feats are more powerful than traditional
feats, and some of them more so than others.
They are designed to give characters a more he-
roic feel by giving them bonuses or abilities above
and beyond the heroic classes.
Extra Dose of Common Sense
You have an extraordinary sense about the world
around you.
You gain a +2 natural bonus to your Wis-
dom score.
You can only take this feat as a 1
Silver Tongue
You have been gifted with an exceptional personal-
ity and ability to influence others.
You gain a +2 natural bonus to your Cha-
risma score.
You can only take this feat as a 1
The Feats
Born with Muscles
Characters who take this feat are naturally stronger
than other characters. Some people are just born
with muscles.
You gain a +2 natural bonus to your
Strength score.
You can only take this feat as a 1
Devil’s Own Luck
Some people seem to have that extra luck that al-
most never seems to run out.
Every time you spend an action point to
increase a d20 roll, add 1d6+4 to your result.
Normally you only receive a bonus of 1d6.
You can only take this feat as a 1
Natural Grace
Some people learn grace and coordination, while
others are born with it.
You gain a +2 natural bonus to your Dex-
terity score.
You can only take this feat as a 1
Sixth Sense
You were born with an innate sense that allows
you to know when things are wrong with the world
around you.
By spending an action point, you gain a
sense of your immediate surroundings. You have
a 50% + 2% per character level chance of knowing
if something is wrong. A success means you feel
either positive, negative, or nothing if the situation
is neither good or bad. A failure results in you feel-
ing nothing.
You can only take this feat as a 1
Built Like a Brickhouse
You were born tough,...really tough.
You gain a +2 natural bonus to your Con-
stitution score.
You can only take this feat as a 1
Copyright 2003 Michael P. Strand. All rights reserved unless otherwise noted. Requires the use of the D20 Modern Role-playing Game, Published by Wizards of the
Coast, Inc. ‘d20 System” and the ‘d20 System’ logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used according to the terms of
the d20 System License version 4.0. A copy of this license can be found at www.wizards.com/d20
By Michael Strand
Fast Learner
You’ve been able to pick up new skills and infor-
mation at a faster rate than those around you.
You receive +2 skill points per level.
These extra skill points are multiplied by four at 1
You can only take this feat as a 1
those with normal eyesight.
You gain low-light vision with a range of
60 ft.
You can only take this feat as a 1
Acute Hearing
You have a more sensitive sense of hearing than
most normal people.
You gain a +2 bonus to Listen checks,
and suffer a –1 penalty for every 20 ft. between
you and the target you are trying to hear. Addition-
ally, you only suffer a –2 penalty for being dis-
Normally you receive a –1 penalty to your
Listen check for every 10 ft. between you and the
target you are trying to hear, and normally you suf-
fer a –5 penalty for being distracted.
You can only take this feat as a 1
Natural Linguist
You have a special knack for speaking languages.
You know how to speak a number of addi-
tional languages equal to your Intelligence modi-
You can only take this feat as a 1
Healthy as a Horse
Your body has an especially strong immune sys-
tem, and can handle larger amounts of toxins than
You gain a +4 resistance bonus against
the effects of disease and poison.
You can only take this feat as a 1
Hounds Nose
Your nose knows.
You gain the Scent extraordinary ability
from Chapter 8 of the D20 Modern Roleplaying
Game, with the following modifications.
You can detect opponents within 5 ft. by sense
of smell. If the opponent is upwind the range in-
creases to 10 ft., and if downwind you can’t detect
them at all. Strong scents can be noticed at twice
the ranges listed above, and overpowering scents
at triple.
You can use this ability to follow tracks by
sense of smell as normal with this ability.
You can only take this feat as a 1
You can use both of your hands equally well, even
somewhat well at the same time.
You suffer no penalties for using your off-
hand. Additionally, when using two weapons your
penalties are reduced by 1.
You can only take this feat as a 1
Sharp Eyes
You have great visual acuity, noticing things faster
and more accurately than others.
You gain a +2 bonus to Spot checks, and
you suffer a –1 penalty to your check for every 20
feet of distance between you and the target you
are trying to discern. Additionally, you only have
a –2 penalty for trying to spot something while you
are in the midst of activity.
Normally you receive a –1 penalty to your
Spot check for every 10 feet of distance between
you and the target, and you normally suffer a –5
penalty for trying to spot something while in the
midst of activity.
You can only take this feat as a 1
Cat’s Eyes
You have the ability to see better in the dark than
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15. Copyright Notice
“More Than Meets the Eye”, Copyright 2003 Michael Strand, all rights reserved unless otherwise noted.
Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002, Wizards of the Coast, Inc..; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redmond, Charles Ryan, based on
material by Jonathon Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and J.D. Wiker.
'd20 System' and the 'd20 System' logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used according to the terms of the
d20 System License version 4.0. A copy of this License can be found at www.wizards.com/d20.
“Requires the use of the d20 Modern(tm) Roleplaying Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.”
“d20 Modern(tm) is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and is used with permission.
Wizards of the Coast(R) is a registered trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and is used with permission.”
Open Game Content:
All material except for layout and design elements is Open Game Content.
Development, Design, and Editing:
Michael Strand.
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