Movie Quiz - Teacher's Notes(1)

Movie Quiz - Teacher's Notes(1), Angielski

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Week starting: 15
March 2004
1. Movie Quiz
On March 21
, 1896 the first cinema opened in Britain. From the silent slapstick movies of
the late nineteenth century to the early ‘talking’ pictures of the 1920s, we have been
captivated by the glittering stars of Hollywood. This week we salute the cinema and the stars
that brighten up our darker days with a movie quiz. Enjoy.
Intermediate and upwards
How to use the lesson
1. Divide the class into two teams, Team A and Team B. If there are more than ten students
in your class, divide them into four teams (two Team As and two Team Bs).
2. Give each student in Team A a copy of Worksheet A and each student in Team B a copy
of Worksheet B. If possible, the two teams should be at some distance from each other so
that they can’t see each others’ answers.
3. First, ask the two teams to complete the sentences in Part 1 by adding a word or name
from the box. Either check their answers yourself or copy the answers at the bottom of this
page to give them.
4. After they have checked the answers, tell your students they are going to prepare a
multiple-choice quiz for the other team. Refer them to Part 2, which shows an example of
the question format. Ask them to do the same for all the questions. If you have word-
processing facilities, ask your students to type out their questionnaires. (If the students feel
any of the questions are too easy, they can change them for their own ideas.)
5. When they have finished, teams exchange their quizzes (or read them pout aloud to each
other) and select what they think is the correct answer for each question.
6. Check the answers as a team game with each team scoring one point for a correct answer.
The team with the most points is the winner.
Answers for Team A
1. Mickey Mouse 2. Pierce Brosnan 3. Malta 4.
Pulp Fiction
Lord of the Rings
6. Pedro Almodovar 7. Arnold Schwarzenegger 8. five 9.
Raging Bull
10. Tommy Lee Jones 11. Marlon Brando 12. seven
Answers for Team B
1. Clint Eastwood 2. Canada 3. Michael Keaton 4. five 5. Jack Nicholson
6. George Lucas 7. Japan 8. three 9. Marilyn Monroe 10. Hawaii
11. Archibald Leach 12. Julia Roberts
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It is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2004.
2. Related Websites
Send your students to these websites, or just take a look yourself.
A few movie quiz sites for those who want more
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It is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2004.
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  • kazimierz.htw.pl
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