Model Military Int 107 2015-03

Model Military Int 107 2015-03, 2015

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//-->OM USHST BRCU IRTA B AAIW ONCRIMIAll the information you’ll ever need to create the best military models...IIssue 107 March 2015www.modelmilitary.comURBAN SURVIVAL,ABRAMS STYLEDragon plus Legends 1:35 TUSK 2 UpgradeWÄSCHEREI IN DERFRANZÖSISCHENSTRASSEBerlin Street Diorama in 1:35INSIDE:MONHAR !CTamiya’s motorised 1:35 Char B1 bis1:35 Panzer 35(t) BefehlswagenI1:35 Japanese Army OfficerSetI1:35 Himmelsdorf Diorama SetI1:35 KV-85Iand more...March 2015 / £4.20 / Issue 107. . i n c o r p o r a t i n gUK DistribUtorsa v i dr e a d e roftanKograDm a i lo r d e rb o o k sModelling Trees Part One -Broadleaf Trees92 pages, full colour.£19.95Modelling Trees Part Two - Conifers92 pages, full colour.£21.95iF YoU are a PUBLisHer LooKing Fora WHoLesaLer or disTriBUTor inTHe UK PLease ConTaCT Us:WHoLesaLe TerMs avaiLaBLe TogenUine oUTLeTs.Modelling Grassland and LandscapeDetailingFeaturing Weeds and Wild Flowers,Hedges, roads and Pavements, Mud,Puddles and rivers by gordon gravett.This book is a great follow up, to the twobooks published on Modelling Trees.Full Colour, 108 pages.£24.95Nuts and Bolts Volume 33Leichte Feldhaubitze 18, gW ii fürle.F.H. 18/2 Wespe and Hummel-Wespe. Paperback, 184 pages,Black/white and Colour photos, linedrawings.£25.15Tankograd In Detail Fast Track 04 -M109A6 Paladin US Army Self-PropelledHowitzerin action photographs and a detailed walka-round, english text. - Limited print-run 999copies - As our series ‘In-Detail’ but half size /half price! Quantity Photos and Illustrations: Il-lustrated with 89 colour photographs, Pages: 40£10.99Tankograd In Detail Fast Track 05 -M992A2 FAASV US Army Field ArtilleryAmmunition Support Vehicle (for M109)in action photographs and a detailed walka-round, english text. - Limited print-run 999copies - as our series ‘in-detail’ but half size/ half price! Quantity Photos and Illustrations:illustrated with 75 colour photographs,40pages.£10.99info@bookworldws.co.ukTankograd Fast Track 06. Type 10TK ModernJapanese Army Main Battle Tankin action photographs and a detailed walkaround,english text. - Limited print-run 999 copies - asour series ‘In-Detail’ but half size / half price!Quantity Photos and illustrations: illustrated with70 colour photographs, 40 pages.£10.99D.A.K Profile GuideThis book shows the original germancamouflage of vehicles used by thedeutsche afrika Korps, with colorvariants throughout the war. 108 pag-es, Over 170 profiles cover schemes,published by a.K interactive.£23.99The Men Inside the Metal Volume 2This book, the second volume in a seriesof two, completes the story of the uniformsand equipment of British and Common-wealth tank and aFv crews, 1939-1945.The evolution of uniforms, and thevariations in actual use on all fronts, aredescribed and illustrated, as is the personalequipment of aFv crews.illustrated withmany photos and drawings, covering alluniform variations and equipment.£24.99A.K Learning Volume 3. Tracksand WheelsTracks and Wheels is the third releasefrom the already famous aK Learningseries. The extremely talented artistswithin this book, take you on a journeythrough every aspect of painting andweathering tracks and wheels throughtheir very own words, guiding youthrough their styles and approaches.Paperback, 83 pages, full colour.£10.99How to Build Tamiya’s ArmourKits in 1:35This new book brings together fivedetailed features that will show what ispossible from this extensive range ofkits. in so doing, it offers hints and tips,detailed step-by-step guides and writtendescriptions on all manner of techniquesfrom basic construction, through detail-ing, painting and realistic weathering.Paperback, 82 pages, full colour.£12.95Tankograd 6033 - U.S. WW IIDodge WC62-WC63 6x6 Trucks48 pages with 150-200 illustrations,among them WW2 action photos,colour photos and technical draw-ings. illustrated throughout. excerptsof technical manuals, wartime pho-tos, photos of restored vehicles. idealcompanion for modellers and fans oftechnology. Complete backgroundhistory and variants.£9.99Tankograd 9022 - Cold War ExerciseSPEARPOINT 80Joint British andamerican Forces face the Threat from theeast. after two years of preparatory work,the field training exercise Spearpoint 80 wasconducted as part of the large-scale exerciseCrusader 80 between 11 and 26 september1980. since naTo came into existence, thisexercise was the largest British one held onWest german soil.illustrated with 86 colourphotographs, 32 black&white photographsand 4 maps.£13.99Painting Guide for AFV of WorldWar Two and Modern EraMuch more than a new technique,this book offers you a novel approachof aFv painting. The author clearlyexplains, through detailled step by stepphotos, how to give your model theperfect enhance of contrast and a ‘eyecatching’ look. 82 pages, full colour.£17.50Aces High Magazine 3 - The Empireof JapanThe third issue of aces High Maga-zine takes you on a journey to theFar east. We give in depth coverageto models depicting Japanese aircraftused during World War Two, includ-ing the legendary Zero, in two of itsbest-known variants; a 1/32 A6M5and 1/72 A6M2. Paperback, 66 pages,full colour.£8.99How to Build The Leopard Familyin 1:35How To Build The Leopard Familyin 1:35 is a comprehensive guide tomodelling this famous vehicle in itsmany forms. From battle tanks torecovery vehicles, homeland protectors,to battle-hardened veterans, you’ll findmuch to enjoy and inspire within thepages of this exciting new book. 82pages, full colour.£12.95Tankograd 6034 - U.S. WW II &Korea M4A3 Sherman (76mm)Medium Tank48 pages with 150-200 illustrations,among them WW2 action photos,colour photos and technical drawings.illustrated throughout. excerpts oftechnical manuals, wartime photos,photos of restored vehicles. idealcompagnion for modellers and fansof technology. Complete backgroundhistory and variants.£9.99The Modeller’s Guide: Superdetailing,Painting and Weathering Aircraft ofWWII, with airfield accessories, ordnanceand dioramaintended for for both beginners andadvanced modellers as it covers widevariety of modelling tasks ranging frombasic detailing, scratch-building, painting,weathering, machining custom parts us-ing resin as well as scratch-building partfrom brass and aluminium and of course,diorama making. Paperback.£18.95Painting Wargame TanksThe definitive guide to paint Wargamesarmored vehicles by the hands of thefamous ruben Torregrosa (Heres-ybrush) and Mig Jimenez. Through its96 pages we will discover, in a veryvisual and easy manner, how to get theresults we want in our vehicles, sincethe book adapts to the needs of eachplayer. From a basic guide for materi-als, through painting a tank in an easybut effective way, to obtaining the bestpossible professional finish.£21.99Bookworld Wholesale Ltd.Camouflage Profile Guide EasternFront Russian VehiclesIn this book you will find all theinspiration you need to make originalsoviet vehicles with a wide and neverseen variety of colors, effects, andcamouflage. Here you have more than180 profiles which are strictly basedon historical photos, many of themnever seen before, in which the colorshave been studied in depth. Paperback,80 pages.£19.99Tankograd 5054 - FUCHS Volume 4FUCHs The Transportpanzer 1Wheeled armoured Personnel Carrierin german army service Part 4 - Bat-tlefield Surveillance Radar / RadioCommunications / International TheTransportpanzer 1 Fuchs (ëFuchs’being german for ëfox’) wheeledarmoured personnel carriers are, asidefrom the Leopard main battle tanks, themost iconic and most prominent assetsof the modern german army.£13.99WW1 The First Mechanized WarThis book provides a comprehensive and com-plete view of the crude beginnings and fast evo-lution of armored warfare during the great War.it includes historical texts illustrated with periodphotographs, and detailed colour profiles of eachof the most outstanding models. Paperback, 167pages, Black/White photos, colour profiles.£27.99The Weathering Magazine 9 - K.Oand WrecksThis issue is dedicated to destroyed,abandoned, and sunken vehicles.Thebest modellers in the world will offera repertoire of exceptional examplesand they explain with detailed step bystep process, all the newest tricks andtechniques to get your models representsimilar conditions.£8.99FUCHS Part 3Ambulance / Electronic Warfare /nBC The Transportpanzer 1 Fuchs(‘Fuchs’ being german for ‘fox’)wheeled armoured personnel carriersare, aside from the Leopard mainbattle tanks, the most iconic and mostprominent assets of the modern ger-man army. 64 pages, full colour.£13.99Unit 10 Hodfar Road, Sandy Lane Ind Est,Stourport, Worcs DY13 9QBTel : 01299 823330 Fax : 01299 829970web: www.bookworldws.co.uk email: info@bookworldws.co.ukYoU Can visiT oUr WeBsiTe: www.bookworldws.co.uk stockists of thefollowing subjects: aviation, Military, naval, Modelling, railway, MotoringMajor credit cards accepted, UK cheques payable to Bookworld Wholesale LtdUK PosTage singLe BooK £2.50 TWo or More BooKs £4.50overseas airMaiL PLease add 15% oF order vaLUe MiniMUM £7.50Contents- Issue 107 March 20151632REGULARSp 4NEWSWhat’s new in the world ofmilitary modellingNews on accessories, toolsand finishing productsWhat’s happening withreleases 1:72 scale andsmallerLuke Pitt explores 1:48 scalemilitary models, figures andaccessoriesMMI’s thoughts on the figurereleasesLate breaking news andramblings from the EditorFEATURESp 6THINK TANKp 16MON CHAR!p 30PREVIEWChar B1 bis History and WalkAroundTamiya 1:35 Motorised CharB1 bis by Brett GreenIwata Custom Micron BAirbrushp 38FRANZOSISCHp 58INCOMING1:35 scale Berlin StreetDiorama by Kamil FeliksSztarbalap 52LARGE, SAFE ANDPOWERFULp 59SMALL SCALEMiniArt’s 1:35 AEC Mk.IArmoured Car by FedericoColladaBronco 1:35 Pz.Bfwg. 35(t)©ADH Publishing Ltd 2015Tel:(UK) 01525 222573Fax:(UK) 01525 222574Email:enquiries@modelmilitary.comAddress:ADH Publishing,Doolittle Mill, Doolittle Lane,Totternhoe, Bedfordshire, LU6 1QX, UKModel Military Internationalispublished monthly byADH Publishing.Reproduction in part or whole of anytext, photograph or illustration withoutwritten permission from the publisheris strictly prohibited. While due care istaken to ensure the contents ofModel Military Internationalis accurate,the publishers and printers cannotaccept liability for errors or omissions.p 601:48 SCALEp 32URBAN SURVIVAL,ABRAMS STYLEp 57PREVIEWDragon 1:35 M1A2 Upgradeby Mason Hongyi Zhangp 61FIGURES52p 66LAST POSTISSN 1749-8864March 2015 -Model Military International3Newsline- March ’15MMI Newsdesk,ADH Publishing, Doolittle Mill,Doolittle Lane, Totternhoe, Bedfordshire, LU6 1QX, UKTel:01525 222573 Fax:01525 222574Email:editor@modelmilitary.comThe MAFVA Nationals 2015The annual get-together of the MiniatureAFV Association for this year will takeplace at the Imperial War Museum, Duxford,on Sunday June 21st, which happens to beFather’s Day.The MAFVA Nationals takes place within a largemarquee adjacent to the American Air Museum,which is under re-organisation this year.Visitors will have access to the rest of themuseum, with the usual activity around the vehicleworkshops, the restoration hangars, and of coursethere is always something flying at Duxford.The marquee will be laid out in the familiar formatof traders lining each side and the far end, MAFVAHQ at the runway end facing the competitiontables, and MAFVA branches and clubs filling up thecentral blocks. Whilst the traders provide a lot ofinterest and help us unload our wallets, it is the clubstands that provide the life-blood of the show. Heremodellers can show off their latest efforts, and candiscuss them with club colleagues and visitors alike.This can quite often be a marvellous resource forinformation, tips and the like which will help achievethe results you are seeking.The other bonus visitors will have is access to theback issues of Tankette, the Association magazine.These will be on offer at special show prices, withbig discounts for complete volumes. And of course,buying back issues at the Nationals will mean yousave the cost of postage!The competitions will be run as last year buildingon the team’s experience, and again the Juniorclass is to be sponsored by Armourfast. EachJunior entrant will receive an Armourfast kit, withmore going to the class winners. It has alwaysbeen an aim of the MAFVA Nationals to encourageyoungsters to participate in the hobby, and supportfrom the traders has always helped.Further details of the competition and show willbe posted on www.mafva.net/Nationals.Other questions may be sent to the organiser,Paul Middleton at paul.middleton600@ntlworld.comor by writing with an SSAE to 39 The Leas, Baldock,Herts, SG7 6HZ, Great Britain.Thanks to MAVFA for the information and images.Dragon 1:35 BlackLabel SaladinInside the Armour 1:35 Centurion Mk.III ConversionInside the Armour’s final release from 2014has been released:Item No. 5015 Centurion Mk.III Conversion– This includes an accurate Mk.II/III Turret,number 19 radio mounts, turned Besa barreland early stowage bins, plus wide reardeflector. These are all the parts you need tomake an early Mk.III suitable for the KoreanWar. Also suitable for early Shot Kals20 PDR BARREL NOT INCLUDED,Recommended for AFV Club 35106 or any AFVClub centurion plus aftermarket 20pdrTurret and bins will also be sold separatelyThe price for this is £20Other recent releases include:• 35106 T54/55 Spider Wheels (20 pieces)• 35108 T54 Zip Boxes - early T54 Boxes, 4pieces• 35109 T54 Early Fuel Tanks - 7 resin pieces(PE not Included)• 35104 Shilka Upgrade - 500+PE pieces, 24resin pieces, wood, styrene rod, brass rodAll of these new release are available rightnow through Inside the Armour’s websitewww.insidethearmour.comDragon’s long-awaited 1:35scale BlackLabel Saladinarmoured carshould be withus by the timeyou read thisissue of MMI.This will beDragon Kit No.3554.This modelwill feature aone-piece slide-moulded turret, poseablehatches, one-piece upper and lower hullsections, two-part multimedia wheelsfeaturing deep tread detail, separatetie-downs and grab handles, and detailedsuspension.It would appear that the kit will notprovide a full interior, and judging by thephotos of the sprues, construction shouldbe fast and straightforward – just the wayI like it!This is one that I am really lookingforward too, and you may be assured thatwe will have a full build article as soon asthe kit is available.Thanks to The Hobby Company Limitedfor the information and Dragon for theimages.4Model Military International- March 2015 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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