Model Rail 2015 11, Modelarstwo

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//-->THE SHUNTERSIntroducing the latest Graham Farish Diesel locomotives8LI 'PEWW (MIWIP 7LYRXIV QEOIWE [IPGSQI VIXYVR XS XLI +VELEQ*EVMWL VERKI SJ 2 WGEPI QSHIPW8LVII QSHIPW EVI EZEMPEFPI371-050C2S ( MR &6+VIIR [MXL ;EWT 7XVMTIW371-051C2S ( MR &6&PYI [MXL ;EWT 7XVMTIW371-0542S ³0PS]H´ MR2'& =IPPS[7TERRMRK E RYQFIV SJ IVEW XLIWIQSHIPW [SYPH QEOI KVIEX EHHMXMSRWXS ]SYV +VELEQ *EVMWL GSPPIGXMSRBack view of 371-051C D2295, BR Blue with Wasp StripesFEATURES:%PP [LIIP TMGOYT'SQTEGX HVMZI QIGLERMWQ(MIGEWX FSRRIX XS EMH XVEGXMSR2)1 GSYTPMRKW(IXEMPIH FSH] MRGPYHMRKWITEVEXI [MVI KVEF VEMPWHighly detailed front endAuthentic professionallyapplied liveriesN ScaleTo find your nearest retailer, please visit www.bachmann.co.ukModel, Collect & CreateA Bachmann Product*SU B SC R IB EAND SAVE UP TOSIMON JOWETT59%106Welcome toK class,hands up all those who like trains? All of you. Right,hands up all those who like planes? Oh, most of you...interesting.It must be something genetic - if we’re into one thing that’sold and mechanical, we’re likely to be into ANYTHING old and mechanical.We explored this earlier in the year when we dedicated an issue to themotor car. There are plenty of railway enthusiasts - both old and new -who also love all things automotive.Ivo Peters seemed like the typical 1950s railway photographer: wellspoken, bespectacled and suited. His photographs of the Somerset &Dorset will go down in railway history. But how many will remember hisexploits as a racing driver? Our own Dave Lowery is another example: hismodel making is better known than his rally driving!But are there more railway enthusiasts who also like aircraft than thereare railway enthusiasts who also like cars? I’d venture a ‘yes’.This was perfectly illustrated on the week that this issue closed forpress because despite all the new models that have arrived recently, orthe new announcements, one topic dominated office conversation: thefinal flights of Vulcan XH558.We formulated plans for the best place to see the big Avro delta. Weshared information with our colleagues onRAIL,especially as contributorNovember 2015Phil Haigh has paid tribute to XH558 in the latest issue. Mike Harris waseven tempted to cancel his holiday in order to see it...So, as we did with the car, we’ve decided to celebrate our ‘other’interest in this issue.The timing is ideal for, apart from the Vulcan, Spitfires and Hurricaneshave been in the news recently thanks to the Battle of Britain 75commemorations in August and September. I apologise to jet lovers -both Mike and George decided to build Spitfires for this issue, but as thenation paid tribute to The Few, there was really no other choice.I mentioned back in MR207 that it felt odd to celebrate the car ina railway magazine. But it’s not like that with planes.The railway took great pains to celebrate the machines that helpedsecure our sovereignty: the Great Western Railway named ‘Castles’ afterplanes, whereas the Southern went one better and named an entire class‘Battle of Britain’. Even the National Coal Board named three Bagnall0-6-0STs after the ‘V’ bomber force...We also can’t ignore the beautiful work that aircraft modellersproduce, which often knocks railway modelling into a cocked hat. I can’trecommendwww.britmodeller.comenough as a source of inspiration...Anyway, enough from me. Chocks away!ORichard FosterMEET THE TEAMQ: What is your favourite aircraft?Regular ContributorsPeter MarriottScenics SpecialistRichard FosterEditorWhere to start? Probablythe Lancaster but Vulcan,Sea Harrier and Defiantare close behind…Chris NevardPhotographerGeorge DentDeputy EditorSomebody had to say it;I’m a sucker for the Spitfire.Building one again took meright back to my childhood.Chris LeighConsultant EditorThat really is a difficultone! Would have to beeither the Martin Mars orthe DHC-2 Beaver.Mike HarrisStaff WriterI’m fascinated by theairborne D-Day landings,where the reliable Dakotaplayed an integral role.Dave LoweryModellingConsultantBen AndoModern image‘N’ gauge3E-mail:www.model-rail.co.ukwww.facebook.com/modelrailwww.twitter.com/modelrailukNOVEMBER 2015IN THIS MONTH’SISSUE 2154814664427884Cover:CHRIS NEVARDModel Railis availablenow onGoogle Playand on theAppleApp StoreCONTENTSNOVEMBER 20156NewsWHAT’S NEW48Reely GrateExclusive pictures of our ‘USA’ 0-6-0T, newmodels from the NRM and an update on projectsfrom Dapol, Farish and Revolution Trains.Every layout tells a story, but Mike Bragg’s pairof micro layouts are more detailed than somesoap operas.96Railways in the air58Cementing a perfect mix64Moments in TimeChris Leigh presents a potted history of RailwayAir Services, an innovative organisation formedby the ‘Big Four’ railway companies.14ReviewsThree exciting new locomotives come underscrutiny: Kernow’s ‘O2’, Hornby’s ‘D16/3’ andDapol’s ‘Terrier’. Plus much more!David Brown’s layout suggestion combines whatmost modellers want - main line running with lotsof shunting potential.Richard Foster offers some key milestones fromrailway history and how they might inspire yournext project.108Yellow PagesThe story of a TV celebrity signal box.FEATURESCareful planning, innovation and robustconstruction has made this tail-chaser anunexpected star, as Bill Taylor explains.12Great British Layouts Vol 313‘USA’/Sentinel offerREGULARSEnjoy some of Britain’s best layouts and learn fromthe modellers who created them.Order our exclusive ready-to-run ‘USA’ 0-6-0Tsand Sentinel 4wVBTs.30Bee Lane106Subscribe toModel RailTurn to page 106 for this month’s special offer.110Model RailExclusives112Exhibition DiaryWhat’s on in your area.Order your limited editionModel Railmodels.84Create a perfect airfieldRAF Squadron Leader Stuart Reid (ret) offersadvice to get the military airfield on yourlayout perfect.160Index of Advertisers161BacksceneAnother batch of modelling miscellany.162Next IssueBanish those winter blues with the Coast Issue:packed with sun, sea and trains.Model Rail215 November 201598CONTACT USMedia House, Lynchwood, PeterboroughBusiness Park, Peterborough PE2 6EAE-mail:modelrail auermedia.co.ukIf you or someone you know are agedbetween 16 and 24 and are interested in workexperience opportunities at Bauer Media go towww.gothinkbig.co.ukTelephone:01733 468000Editor:Richard FosterDeputy Editor:George DentConsultant Editor:Chris LeighStaff Writer:Mike HarrisModel consultant:Dave LoweryEditorial Assistant:Jane SkinnerProduction Manager:Mandy BrettArt Editor:Matthew HuntDesign:Graham CopestakeProduction Editor:Mike WrightSub Editor:Richard HampsonPhotography:Jacques Portal, Chris NevardArtist:Andrew MackintoshSenior Sales Exec. Display:Gemma Smith 01733 366379E-mail:gemma.smith@bauermedia.co.ukSales Exec classified :Stacie Limbert 01733 366384Commercial Manager:Sheryl Graham 01733 468256Commercial Director:Sarah Crown 01733 468320Group Advertisement Manager:Karen Gardiner 01733 468288Telephone:01733 468171Marketing Manager:Beverley MasonDirect Marketing Executive:Kieran CookeHead of Newstrade:LeonBenoitonNewstrade Marketing:Sam TomblinEDITORIAL78ADVERTISINGSUBSCRIBEA YEAR OFFOR JUST£27SAV E*59%U P TOMARKETINGTOPTIPLooking for an article from a previous issueof MR? Search the online index at:www.ukmodelshops.co.uk/ModelRail106We show you how...PRODUCTIONTelephone:01733 468377.Print Production Manager:Richard WoolleyAdvertising Production:Zoe BellamyPrinted by:Wyndeham Southernprint,Poole, Dorset BH16 5SN42Model a modern main linePeter Marriott shows you how to get thetrack, ballast and lineside detail right on anycontemporary layout.82Take first digital stepsSUBSCRIPTIONS & BACK ISSUESTo ensure that you don’t miss an issue and forthe best subscription offers visitwww.greatmagazines.co.ukFor subscription or back issue queries pleasecontact: CDS Global onbauer@subscription.co.ukTelephone: 01858 438884Telephone from overseas: +44 (0) 1858 438884Peter Marriott demonstrates how to use one ofthe cheapest and simplest DCC systems on themarket.George Dent offers his expertise in assemblingMaking your industrial buildings look realisticdoesn’t have to be a pipe dream. Peter Marriott tries and painting plastic kits, and easy ways of addingextra realism.out an new detailing system that will help...76Auhagen’s modular system98Build better plastic kits78George’s Art of ModellingModel Rail’smodelling supremo George Dentshares more tips that can bring an artistic touchto your layout, this time focusing on trains.There are some superb aircraft modellers outthere. Mike Harris shows you how to emulatethem with just spray cans, brushes and powders.102Paint & weather a planeForbinderscall01733840111Managing Director:Tim LucasEditorial Director:June Smith-SheppardHead of Digital:Charlie Calton-WatsonGroup Direct Marketing Director:Chris GadsbyFinance Director:Lisa HaydenGroup Finance Director:Sarah VickeryGroup Managing Director:Rob Munro-HallCEO:Paul KeenanFrom January-December 2014Model Railsold anaverage-of 26,988 copies per issue, as independentlyconfirmed by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC)COMPLAINTS:Bauer Consumer Media Limited is a member of theIndependent Press Standards Organisation (www.ipso.co.uk) andendeavours to respond to and resolve your concerns quickly. OurEditorial Complaints Policy (including full details of how to contactus about editorial complaints and IPSO’s contact details) can befound atwww.bauermediacomplaints.co.uk.Our e-mail address foreditorial complaints covered by the Editorial Complaints Policy iscomplaints@bauermedia.co.uk.Bauer Consumer Media Ltd, whose registered office is at 1 LincolnCourt, Lincoln Road, Peterborough, PE1 2RF. Registered in Englandand Wales company number 01176085, VAT no. 918 5617 01.BAUER CONSUMER MEDIA42102 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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