Model Engineers Workshop - October 2015 ~BinanGotit~, !!!Materialy Eng
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//-->.2oN43WINA CHESTERRRP £582CONQUEST LATHEJoin the conversation about this 2015A WorkshopDemagnetiserCOVER FEATUREDESIGNINGSPRINGSENGINEERING GROUPTHE GREAT MAGAZINE FOR EVERY ENGINEERING WORKSHOP£4.50Precision machines made in Italy for the discerning engineer!deethe discerning engn engineer!ACCESSORIESLathe Chucks, Drill Chucks, TippedTools, Boring Bars, QCTP, HSS Tools,End Mills, Slot Drills, Machine Vices,Clamping Sets, Slitting Saws, Arbors,Boring Heads, Radius Mills, DROs,Rotary Table, CNC fits, Collet Chucks,Collet Sets, Flanges, Face Mills,Shell Mills andMuch More...Ceriani 400Series Mill•ISO30Spindle•Tablesize -580 x 150mm•Travel- 420 x160 x 300mm(XYZ)•1.5KW Motor•100-3000rpmvari-speed•Weight- 150 KgsAll lathes and mills are backed by anextensive range of tools and accessoriesg•Optionalsplash-back andsafetyguardCeriani 203 Lathe•Centreheight - 100mm•Centredistance - 500mm•Swingover gap - 260mm•Spindlebore - 20 or 30mm•Motor- 1 HP•Weight- 80 Kgs•SemiNorton gearbox•Fourselectable feed ratesplus screw•Vari-speedoptioncuttingMORE MACHINES AND ACCESSORIES ON LINEOur machines suit the discerning hobbyist as well as blue chip industryWe regularly ship worldwidePlease contact us for stock levels and more technical detailPRO Machine Tools Ltd.17 Station Road Business Park, Barnack,Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 3DWtel:01780 740956•fax:01780 of our prices can be found on our web byMyTimeMedia Ltd.Enterprise House, Enterprise Way,Edenbridge, Kent TN8 6HFTel: 0844 412 2262From outside UK: +44 (0)1689 New, Renewals & EnquiriesTel: 0844 243 9023Email: & CANADA- New, Renewals & EnquiriesTel: (001)-866-647-9191REST OF WORLD- New, Renewals & EnquiriesTel: +44 1604 828 748Email:'s BenchOn My BenchI’m reluctant to say too much this month,as my main task has been making adevice that allows me to hold a cameraand an astronomical telescope side byside on my mount. I’m afraid that myneed was for something ‘quick and dirty’that won’t drop my valued gear onto thefloor from a great height, so I am put toshame by the outstanding workmanshipof Graham Beazley in New Zealand –see Scribe a Line. I’m always pleased tosee pictures of what readers do in theirshops, so please send me more!been annoyed that I slightly misplacedone cap-head screw, so the pocket for itshead broke out, but after a discussion onthe forum on boring heads got to ‘ownbuild’ designs I posted a few pictures.There was also some discussion of themerits of various designs of boring headthat had appeared inMEWover theyears. A search of the indexes showedthere are several – but none more recentthan 2008.Having looked back at a lot of oldissues ofMEW,it is interesting to seethat there don’t seem to be as manydesigns for this sort of lathe or millaccessory as there used to be. Is thisbecause readers mostly buy these thingsoff the shelf now? Certainly most of thebuilds I see are for innovative or unusualaccessories, or items you just can’t buyoff the shelf – like mandrel handles.Aside from boring heads, the sort oftooling I am thinking of are items such asknurling heads, chucks, dividing heads,height gauges, toolposts and clamps.It’s easy to argue that buying a newfour-jaw chuck, for instance, gives you anaccurate, ground and hardened item thatcould last a lifetime, as against all theeffort of making something that maynever be quite as robust. On the otherhand, there is a lot to be said for suchprojects – they may appeal to beginnerson a budget, they often offer ways todemonstrate and practice good machinedesign and practice and most of all, thereis a special satisfaction in using toolingyou have made yourself.I know that readers have a hugenumber of excellent home-made tools intheir workshops. Most of these are notingenious new mechanisms, but aregood, workmanlike approaches tomeeting an everyday need. I’d like toencourage you to share such tools withyour fellow readers. Why not write me aletter describing such a device? Betterstill, take it apart, do some drawingsand write a short constructional article.If you aren’t sure, email me –neil.wyatt@mytimemedia.comOn theTel: 0844 848 8822From outside UK: +44 2476 322234Email: 0844 848 8822From outside UK: +44 2476 322234Website: WyattTel: +44 (0)1689 869 912Email: neil.wyatt@mytimemedia.comDesigner:Yvette GreenIllustrator:Grahame ChambersRetouching:Brian VickersAd Production:Robin GraySenior Account Manager:Duncan ArmstrongEmail: duncan.armstrong@mytimemedia.comTel: 01634 238893BACK ISSUES & BINDERSMODEL ENGINEERING PLANSNew Subscriptions ServiceIn this issue there will probably be a flyerintroducing a new subscriptions service.This has been introduced in responseto feedback from readers over the lastyear or so. There may be a few eyebrowsraised at the choice of an 0844 numberfor UK telephone enquiries, somethingbeyond my control I’m afraid. However,I sincerely hope the new service willrespond to such calls faster and better –and that the new service will give readersfewer reasons to have to get in touch.There will also be a new email addressfor subscription enquiries and a websitewhere you can manage your accountonline. Those who have no access to theinternet and don’t want to phone can stillwrite to us. I should reassure subscribersthat there will be no impact on existingsubscriptions, aside from a betterstandard of service. Please see the insertfor full details.EDITORIALPRODUCTIONADVERTISINGMARKETING & SUBSCRIPTIONSSubscription Manager:Kate HallHead of Design & Production:Julie MillerGroup Advertising Manager:Rhona BolgerEmail: rhona.bolger@mytimemedia.comTel: 01689 869891Chief Executive:Owen DaviesChairman:Peter HarknessMANAGEMENTSmall ToolsA good few years ago, I made a simpleboring head. It’s not huge, being mostlymade from 2 inch diameter bar, and beingmild steel it isn’t up to ‘industrial’ usage.Nonetheless, it gives me excellent resultswith a set of ‘off the shelf’ HSS boringbars and I have used if for jobs such asboring a crankcase for a cylinder liner andmaking bearing pockets. I have always© MyTimeMedia Ltd. 2015All rights reserved ISSN 0959-6909The Publisher’s written consent must be obtained before any part of thispublication may be reproduced in any form whatsoever, including photocopiers,and information retrieval systems. All reasonable care is taken in the preparationof the magazine contents, but the publishers cannot be held legally responsiblefor errors in the contents of this magazine or for any loss however arising fromsuch errors, including loss resulting from negligence of our staff. Reliance placedupon the contents of this magazine is at reader’s own risk.Model Engineers’ Workshop, ISSN 0959-6909, is published monthly withan additional issue in August by MYTIMEMEDIA Ltd, Enterprise House,Enterprise Way, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 6HF, UK. The US annual subscriptionprice is 52.95GBP (equivalent to approximately 88USD). Airfreight and mailingin the USA by agent named Air Business Ltd, c/o Worldnet Shipping Inc., 156-15, 146th Avenue, 2nd Floor, Jamaica, NY 11434, USA. Periodicals postagepaid at Jamaica NY 11431. US Postmaster: Send address changes to ModelEngineers’ Workshop, Worldnet Shipping Inc., 156-15, 146th Avenue, 2nd Floor,Jamaica, NY 11434, USA. Subscription records are maintained at CDS GLOBALLtd, Tower House, Sovereign Park, Market Harborough, Leicester, LE16 9EF. AirBusiness Ltd is acting as our mailing agent.Workshop GuardiansThis morning an unusual promotional email dropped intomy inbox. Normally a ‘solar gnome’ would make a rapidjourney to my ‘bin’ folder, but after a short reflection Irealised that this could be the answer to the problem ofthe tiny ‘borrowers’ who infest any properly organised(i.e. chaotic) workshop. I recall that Stan Bray oncesucceeded in photographing one of these wee pests, butdespite everything people try they still seem to squirrelaway small fixings, tools and even the odd part.Surely this magnificent Ninja Gnome, with red solar eyes,fromprezzyboxis the answer? Position it outside yourworkshop and anticipate an end to the little workshopsnafflers. Visitwww.prezzybox.comfor details…October 20153Call 01454 324546FREEghippinS2enceExperi5 yrsDisceOnlinsountveMassiionSelectAAny tap, any diedieAny whereNo jack of all trades, not uses,Visit us’s what we do. It’s all we do. Isn’t it time you chose a specialist?Any tap, tapset, tapping drill, die, die nut -any where -and when you need it. We’ve been doingthis for more than 25 years, supplying the world with vital taps, dies and cutting &threading tools of the highest quality. 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Our range includes bookson all aspects of Model Engineering - Model Steam Locomotives,from 0 gauge to 7¼”, Steam Road Vehicles, Lathe and WorkshopTools and Machinery, stationary I.C. and Hot Air Engines, Horology,Boilermaking, Casting & Foundrywork and much more.or call for our free catalogue on01926 our website for our full rangeUNBEATABLE VALUE ENGINEERING PRODUCTSarceurotrade co ukSuper X3 HiTorque Mill BundleBuy a SIEG Super X3 Mill by 30th October 2015and, to get you started, we will throw in£183.00* worth of accessoriesFREE!Powerful 1000W DC BrushlessMotor with Direct Belt Drive:The combination of brushless DCmotor, advanced electronic speedcontroller and direct belt drive frommotor to spindle, provide far bettertorque over a wider speed range(even at low speeds) thus enablingthe elimination of the gearbox andresulting in a quieter machine.Spindle Speed DisplayTilting Head for Vertical/Angled/Horizontal milling.Head Indexes at 0° and 90°for accurate setupHiTorqueBelt DriveBrushless MotorTouch Panel Control for:• Spindle Start/Stop• Set Spindle Speed• Forward and Reverse• Tapping ModeDigital Readouton Quill for depthreadingFine FeedFor MillingQuill Feedfor Drilling£1,555.00Incl. VATTapping Mode withForward/Reverse buttonson touch panel and quillfeed handles58pc Clamping Set100mm Radial Milling ViceMAXCUT No.5Standard Equipment:Drill Chuck and Arbor, DrawbarEither MT3 or R8 ER32 Collet Chuck with6 ER32 Collets (6, 8, 10, 12, 16 & 20mm)and 'C' Spanner, in a plastic carry case.Speci cationsDrilling CapacityEnd Milling CapacityFace Milling CapacityTapping CapacitySpindle StrokeThroatSpindle TaperSpindle to TableMT3SpindleR8SpindleDistance(With Guard)Head Tilted at 90°Spindle Speed (Variable)Table Cross TravelTable Longitudinal TravelTable SizeEffective Table SizeT-Slot SizeTable Drain Hole ThreadMotor OutputInput VoltageWidthOverallDepthDimensionsHeightWeight (Net/Gross)25mm25mm50mm12mm72mm235mmChoice ofMT3orR860-410mm30-380mm110mm Minimum100-1750 rpm ±10%145mm360mm550x160mm475x204mm12mm (M10 T-Nuts)M16x1.51000w DC (Brushless Motor)220-240VAC 50/60Hz765mm670mm990mm(850mm to top of column)162kg/184kg4 Flute End Mills - 6, 10 & 12mmSuper X3 Mill Accessory Bundle *080-030-01000080-030-01200130-010-00400130-040-00800050-110-32500050-110-32510060-280-xxxxx170-150-00100SIEG Super X3 HiTorque Mill - R8 MetricSIEG Super X3 HiTorque Mill - MT3 Metric£1,555.00 + £65.00£1,555.00 Carriage£39.40£48.43£71.71£71.71£13.93£9.55£183.0258pc Clamping Set - 12mm (M10 Thread)* FREE* FREERadial Milling Vice 100mmER32/MT3 Milling Collet Chuck Set with 6 Collets* FREEOR* FREEER32/R8 Milling Collet Chuck Set with 6 Collets* FREE4 Flute End Mills - 6, 10 & 12mmMAXCUT No. 5 Chlorine Free Tapping & Cutting* FREEFluid 500mlBundle Saving:Offer valid until 3:00pm on 30th October 2015.Subject to availability.Arc Euro Trade Ltd.10 Archdale Street, Syston, Leicester, LE7 1NA.Web: Phone: 0116 269 5693.All Prices Include VATHandling and carriage rates to most UK mainland destinations are based on order value:£0-£10 = £0.75, £10-£25 = £1.75, £25-£60 = £2.95, Over £60 =Free(unless otherwise stated)Surcharge of £1 will apply if paying by credit card. No extra charge if paying by debit card.ALL PRICES INCLUDE VATE. & O. E.
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